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 System Configuration Center Manager

 🥀 It is a system created by Microsoft to help update and install computer software remotely, meaning if you have a company or organization and it contains many devices, you can download any software or application for a specific device or group of devices remotely.

🥀 Why do we use SCCM?

One of the characteristics of the organization's domain is to prevent any user from downloading or updating any program for security technical reasons. It downloads any program that the user wants instead, after checking and verifying it, and then sending it to the user's device remotely.

🥀 How do we use SCCM?

This system has many features, but we will mention only two for its daily use in institutions:

* Installing programs and applications on the devices of the institution.

* Log in to the institution's devices to fix errors.

8) * Installing programs and applications on the organization’s devices:

Through SCCM, programs and applications are sent to any device or group of devices at one time.
