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Android 13 Developer Preview Officially Launches.

 Although Android 12L interpretation is still in beta program previous to its Q1 launch, Google moment blazoned Android 13 Inventor Preview. 


 This is the seventh time that Google has given an early look at the direction Android is heading in the fall. The exercise takes place again in February to give inventors further time to give feedback and update apps. 

 Android 13 formerly again has “ sequestration and security” as a major point of support with a focus on “ creating a responsible, high- quality platform for everyone by furnishing a safer terrain on the device and further controls for the stoner.” 

This starts with the System Image Picker in Inventor Preview 1 to give a “ standard and enhanced way for druggies to securely share original and pall- grounded images.” 


 It allows druggies to choose which prints and vids are participated, while the print chooser API allows apps to pierce participated media “ without demanding authorization to view all media lines on the device.” 

Google plans to bring this to Android 11 ( banning Go) and latterly via a unborn MediaProvider update. 
