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Learn How To Start Get Visitors Through Forums (GUIDE 2022)

How do I get callers through the forums? This question may surprise you, especially when asked in 2022, and we understand that.

Forums were and still are one of the most important sources of visitors and if they are used correctly, they can help you increase the popularity of your site.

In this article, we will introduce you to ways to take advantage of the forums to get the best types of visitors to your website for free.

What are the ways to get visitors to the forums?

We can divide the ways to get visitors through the forums into three ways, namely:

The annoying and unprofessional way to get visitors to the forums

This method is one of the most popular ways to get free visitors through forums, and it is also one of the easiest.

In fact, there are a lot of affiliate marketers in a specific way who achieved good results through them in the past, but I think that they did not become as useful as in the past, in addition to that I do not prefer them personally.

In this method, marketers subscribe to all forums related to the product, service or content they are marketing, and then post links randomly and annoyingly to get visitors quick and easy.

The free way, but in a professional and smart way

This method is similar to the one before it in many respects, but in a different way and the result is also different.

In this way, professional marketers subscribe to forums that talk about their target market. They publish valuable and useful topics for members, they also answer a lot of members' questions and really try to help others.

They appear as professional and experienced members of the forum which gives other members more confidence in them. These marketers do not directly paste affiliate links or links to their sites in the topics of each forum, but only make their signature the link to the site they own.

Perhaps because of their interaction with members, they sometimes put their links on some topics, provided that this does not violate the forum policy.

In fact, forum owners, given the importance of members of this type, may give them more privileges and special powers.

Note: Our article today will mainly focus on this free method, and how to use it to attract visitors to your website, blog or online store.

Paid way to get visitors to forums

In this way, you, as a marketer, simply buy visitors from the owners of the forum, and often these visitors are by renting advertising space or advertising banners.

Here you have to communicate with the organizers of the forum, which you see as a good source for visitors for what you are marketing, and design an attractive banner and send it to the forum owners in exchange for a sum of money, so the forum owner will paste it in the forum and start getting visitors directly.

Types of forums you can attract visitors from at the moment

1. The old format known to veteran netizens

If you have been on the Internet since 2002 or shortly thereafter, you will remember the importance of forums at that time. Forums were a large part of our use of computers, as we depended on them for most of the uses that you use the Internet in today.

At the time, we were relying on the forums for:

  1. Social Media.
  2. See world news.
  3. Finding a solution to technical problems.
  4. Download software and operating systems.
  5. View technical and technical news.
  6. Download games, movies, books and songs.

In fact, I can't remember all the areas where we relied on forums because they are many and varied, we can say that most of our hours on the Internet (which were very expensive at the time) were spent between forums and chat programs and the former had the lion's share.

The forums that belong to this category did not get drastic changes in terms of design. Every period, the owner of the forum and the people in charge of it would change the color of the forum or the arrangement of its sections and change the position of one or two buttons.

At that time, these forums were working as a network within the Internet by directing the visitor from one forum to another. Some forums were directing their visitors to other forums out of cooperation, for a fee, or even from the exchange of visitors.

The forum visitor was often a visitor interested in the content in it and moving from one forum to another voluntarily means that he is looking hard for a topic, these visitors are highly valued for the sites and we can say that the major sites of our time started with these visitors because they are interested in their content.

I think that you are now convinced of the importance of these forums and the value of the visitor on them… Do not worry, you can still get this visitor to your site, it is true that the number of visitors to these forums has become hugely less than it was in the past, but they are there and their value is still high.

Examples of the most important golden age forums that are still active today:

a) XDA Forum

XDA Forum is considered the most important forum in the field of mobile systems. The forum is more than twenty years old but it receives a huge number of active visitors who discuss and exchange opinions about the many operating systems and development packages for mobile devices.

b) Techpowerup Forum

Techpowerup Forum is the savior forum for anyone around the world who is facing a computer failure, whether you are facing a problem with the software or the computer components themselves, you will find someone to help you solve this problem permanently in this forum.

c) Technet Forum

The Technet Forum is a forum affiliated with the famous Microsoft Corporation. Need another reason to visit it? The forum is a technical treasure for those looking for solutions to their complex technical problems, especially those related to operating systems and various application programming.

d) The famous Github community

If you love programming in a simple way, you must have heard about the github community, this forum or technical community is the forum for programmers around the world, almost all programmers in the world depend on this forum to solve their problems and exchange opinions about their programs.

e) Seo Forums:

Seo Forums is another the best for get Visitors for now.

Tips to get visitors from forums for free

1. Choose the appropriate forum for the appropriate site

As I've noticed, there are two types of forums online at the moment, there are general forums like Quora and Reddit, and there are niche forums like Stack Overflow.

The secret to getting interested visitors from a forum How compatible is your site's content with the forum you're posting on? Do you post technical content? Choose to use a technical forum and so on.

It is preferable to publish on public forums at first and then go to a specialized forum later. Public forums contain a huge number of visitors and have subsections in many areas, which makes your chance of getting visitors from them easier and faster.

2. Follow the forum rules for posting

I remember when I used to post in forums in the past, that posting was allowed after completing some steps or complying with some conditions. Any forum has a set of conditions and criteria for accepting posts, and it is important that you abide by these standards to be able to benefit from this forum.

Read the rules and conditions for publishing in each forum and follow them carefully, especially at the beginning of your presence on it. Note that some forums apply their conditions firmly and you may lose your account on them if you violate these conditions at any time and have to start from scratch on the forum.

3. Learn about the advantages of each forum and take advantage of them

Each forum wants to be unique in one way or another, which prompts its developers to add unique features to its working mechanism, for example, Tumblr's image presentation style looks more modern than other forums, which makes it suitable for promoting sites interested in the field of photography.

This advice does not mean dispensing with a forum or focusing on publishing on one forum at the expense of another. On the contrary, study the strengths of each forum and exploit them in a way that suits the content of your site. In this way, you can attract diverse visitors from forums to your site.

4. Gain trust on the forum

Having a verified account on the forum earns your posts trust and credibility, which attracts the attention of visitors to it, in addition to the verified account, some forums give points to users who interact with the posts, whether by replying to them or interacting with them.

Most of the forums explain to users how to verify their accounts and the steps that would help them gain trust and credibility on it.

Make sure your account on the forum is perfect, which can be achieved by following these steps:

Confirm your identity on the forum (add a decent photo with correct personal data).
Interact with the content posted on the forum, whether by replying or by voting.
Post useful content.
Presence and interaction on the forum periodically.

5. Avoid posting spam

The definition of annoying content may differ from one forum to another, although there are some general definitions of the idea of ​​annoying content, the most famous of which is posting inappropriate content or posting content in its place.

Spam posting may also consist in posting site links in response to topics published on the forums, of course publishing site links is a permissible method for publishing your site on the forums and directing visitors to it, but it must be done intelligently.

Sometimes website owners resort to spam posting to try to direct forum visitors to their sites, and this is a serious mistake. The forum administration may tolerate posting and annoying content once or twice before deleting the account completely, and sometimes even blocking the website link from appearing on the forum.

6. Take advantage of the forums to come up with ideas for new content on your site

Forums are an open discussion forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas, which makes them an excellent source through which to find ideas for the content of your site. Take advantage of the forums to find out the most important topics for their visitors and create content about them on your site.

After creating the content on your site, interact on the posts that belong to its domain on the forums, reply to the posts with an appropriate and succinct comment, then visitors know that you have discussed this topic on your site thoroughly and add the content link on your site in the response.

Your response to the post is the main attraction through which you will attract visitors to the forum to visit your site. Take care of arranging and coordinating the response to appear in a professional appearance that attracts visitors to learn more about your opinion and pushes them to visit your site.


In this article in Amzda, we discussed the types of forums, the most popular ones on the Internet at the present time, and how to get visitors through them.

Share with us in the comments your opinion about the most popular and reliable forum for getting useful visitors to sites and blogs👇👇.
