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Is your phone having problems? Try the TestM application and you will know what it is missing and fixing bugs

 Whether you intend to buy a used smartphone that has been used before, or you want to make sure your phone is working properly, especially if it shows some symptoms and problems, now with the TestM application you can request a full report from the seller so that you can see the condition of the phone you intend to buy  !

 This application, according to its developer, is also useful in attaching a TestM report to your phone so that it is easier to sell it when you want it, and you will also need it before you take the phone to repair it to identify the faults on it to avoid being exploited, it tests a set of many things in it and determines the problems on it, and it also helps you  To avoid buying a stolen phone by testing its serial number, you will also make sure through it if the phone is unlocked and ready for use in your country and other important things.

Application link: IOS and ANDROID
