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Get thousands of views and likes for free on your Tik Tok videos

 Most of you, if not all of you know the Tik Tok application, which caused a sensation in the previous months with its wide fame. Today, we will explain to you how to get views, likes, comments and shares for your videos on Tik Tok for free.

  First, you have to go to the site through this link and then enter the captcha code as it appears in the image

Then you will see options such as getting followers, comments, likes, views and shares

All you have to do is click on the option you want, such as getting views, and then enter your account name.

Note that your account must be public and not private to show you

 Then click on search to see your videos. Choose the video and click on add views as shown in the picture

You will have to wait 30 seconds and receive the views

You can also apply this explanation to likes, shares, and comments.

Website link
